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29 de abril de 2012

CONFIRMADO: Justin Bieber virá ao Brasil em Maio/Junho!

Como postamos anteriormente sobre a vinda do cantor Justin Bieber ao Brasil, o colunista e blogueiro da revista teen Capricho, Gabe Simas famoso por conceder notícias sobre a vinda de famosos ao Brasil, que por sinal são VERDADEIRAS, publicou ontem em seu twitter a confirmação do cantor no país entre Maio ou Junho. Confira o tweet do blogueiro abaixo:

Apesar das afirmações de Simas serem verdadeiras na maior parte (como a confirmação da vinda do cantor no ano passado em outubro), o cantor não se pronunciou nem sua equipe, torcemos para que não seja apenas um alarme falso.


2 comentários:

  1. oi meu nome é roberta mas eu to fazendo curso de ingles e vo tentar falar em ingles :hi my name is roberta have eleven years but I am inorme. I know there are many fans of justin bieber Canadian singer but beautiful in the world, even if he did not know I'll never stop being one and a boylieber belieber. justin is the very special to me and I hope he read this please          read: come to Brazil please when you came in October last year I did not cry a lot and I understand a brand is difficult to date, Brazil is so difficult, but nice and many girls and boys are not more beautiful to you conpara : Tabom take care love you so: you know od one derection, seve know many girls like them too but I'm not gonna drop they have videos of them but you're my everything Tabom to tail your dreams come true and to see my you close to me sing with you but never give up love is with god bye.

  2. oi meu nome é roberta mas eu to fazendo curso de ingles e vo tentar falar em ingles :hi my name is roberta have eleven years but I am inorme. I know there are many fans of justin bieber Canadian singer but beautiful in the world, even if he did not know I'll never stop being one and a boylieber belieber. justin is the very special to me and I hope he read this please          read: come to Brazil please when you came in October last year I did not cry a lot and I understand a brand is difficult to date, Brazil is so difficult, but nice and many girls and boys are not more beautiful to you conpara : Tabom take care love you so: you know od one derection, seve know many girls like them too but I'm not gonna drop they have videos of them but you're my everything Tabom to tail your dreams come true and to see my you close to me sing with you but never give up love is with god bye.
